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Kawaii Onigiri Pictures, Images and Photos
Friday, April 30, 2010 Y 7:48 AM

wahahaha, 2B was darn epic today.

okay first lesson was sci, so the relief teacher come in , make us do work that we alr do before, then mr mohamad later come in , give us last year paper, and the section B was exactly the same one -,- so we are doing it 3 times.

then lit..this was the epic part, more than 3/4 of the class didnt do/finish lit hw and was sent outside to finish work and write 100 lines of "i will not be tardy with my work and will complete it on time". Then some ppl talk, laugh then slowly increase from 100,200, 500, 1000, 1500!!! OMG. Like all the boys were outside , chair and vice chair also.

then other class pass by , all like omg LOLs. Nearly whole class outside LOLS. 2B really lived up to its 'reputation" and legacy. ok so hist, then eng, ms tan gave us some time to write, then emergency assembly at hall. then cos the tables for the sec 4 exam haven take out, then sec 2 get to sit on tables and chairs while sec 1 squeezed in the small galleria. poor little sec 1s, then all 2B use this chance to write write write write.
then principal talk so ms tan make us stop writing. And shall not talk about the announcement.

ok, then went to canteen and 2B continued writing writing writing until 12.15, then dana, nat all go. then i was about to go when i saw Ms teoh at outside staffroom, then i chiong back tell the rest. then saw the boys talking to her, so me and patrice went up to hear wad they are talking okay, so lucky for me, teacher will let me off with 100 lines. Cos ppl who stay back to meet her and show her the finished work and 100 lines are free~ But some ppl go back alr lol...

ok so went home..

Chinese paper has dug a mass grave for us.

Saturday, April 17, 2010 Y 2:29 AM

Wee~ I am so happy.~

okay,post about yesterday , 16 April 2010 first

okay sch, Mr Mohammad didnt come to our class so we just did a worksheet and slacked away. Was damn boring lol. then recess then Lit. But Ms Teoh took sooooooooo long to come, we just move our chairs to the hall first. HAHAS then she cant conduct lesson alr. Then somemore give us sweets LOL. then after sch, went to guides room slack awhile, watch ppl polish boots.. then went to find JiaYao with Radiah to pass him the sovenier design but couldn't find him so i pass to Kok Jin instead.

then went down to meet other guides for lunch. But a teacher asked for our helped so some of us went to help with putting this white decorative thing on the table. Then went back . Ms Huda arrived, and so we walked to Simpang for lunch. OK, so ate...then went 7-eleven...blah blah, then go look for Ms Huda cos the Muslims all eat different place. then went back to sch. slack at guides room :P

Sleeping at Guides room is very comfortable lol. hahas.
then sleep for sometime then went to change and all. and prepare for Speech Day.

then fall in at FUP, lol, right before parade we were like eating sweet and some didnt realise that it was the actual parade. one NCC ran past shouting like "Eh shit, Starting le". LOL. then so parade start. Didnt make any major mistake :D only thing is that when GOH come and sedia, i step on my own boots the edge there, though manage to move it down, leg too close together, hard to balance. So sway abit.

And Wei Jing like very happy lol, keep swing her gloves.

so after parade, slack at FUP awhile. then went to guides room.
SLACKed the WHole day!! Ate dinner first; then went outside to dance! Random dancing lol. With ZiQun. then after a few hours, went to play old maid with Natalie, Mubeena, Geraldine...etc, ZQ continued dancing.

then ms Huda came up. We had to help out with the cleaning up and stuff. So collected out new guides shirt. It okay..but the colour is seriously too similar to Netball shirt eh... okay, some ppl changed ,but i didnt. went to hall to help out. some ppl went to help the scouts/NCC carry the chairs, but the teacher say leave those things to the boys. So we had to help pick up litter and stuff on the ground floor. And clean the canteen up after the guests finished eating. But we can eat first! HAHAS

so went down..had a briefing, and went to pick up rubbish at the quadrangle, Foyer and FUP area. Then went to eat!! HAHAS...u know the piece of paper on the vase thingy on every table which says that that vase/container thingy made by the art students are for sale? the paper got wrong english lol, it wrote that the art students were for sale!! HAHAHAHAHAS!!! damn funny. then damn embarrassing lol..shall not post about it.

ok, after the guest left, we started to clean up the place. So all the scouts, guides, a few NPCC and other UG, prefects, helped to clean the canteen. Move the tables back to original position, clean the tables, clear the food, pick up litter, remove the white decoration thingy on the table, wrap up the artworks, carry away those movable small tables use to hold the food. And finally..... after finally clearing the canteen, assembled at the canteen behind there de empty space. Formed a circle with scouts and sang taps. then scouts go do their cheer. Then dismissed.

went to take back the bags and walked out. lol, walked at "normal" speed. then shouted bye to the Goldfish(Geraldine) and Boss of the Publication team(JiaMei), hahas! , then walked to bus stop with Shalyn! Yay! and two other scouts. And so took the damn crowded bus 9 with them.

thanx Shalyn for concern btw. :) And Happy 30th Anniversary Bedok South!! *clap x2*!! :D

and today!!
YAY, I am so happy even though my Saturdays are gonna be BURNT! Yep burned, under the hot sun. :D

So went to Guides House slack and wait for the rest. then took attendance, then went to the carpark for uniform check. damn skirt too short lol. By 1 cm.-.- but ya, NDP so they are damn strict. then went to march. the sirs didnt care about the attire though. :)

so warm up drill, revise drills, then 15 mins break. Free Red Bull again!!! Red Bull FTW, then went for the actual selection. We were tested by rows. So all BDSians and some others were in my row. so..sedia and senang diri, kekenan and kekiri, hentakaki and japat jalan. And...our whole row passed!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! :D It was surprisingly easy to pass. cos there were 105 ppl there and they needed 97, so only 8 ppl to go out. So ya..somemore right after Speech Day. so yeah...

so slacked while the other continued the selection, then briefing then dismissed, went to guides house to buy things and went home. then lol, on the mrt, me and Tingting went to stand at the opposite sides of the door, looks like we guarding it lol.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010 Y 5:49 AM

hahas today!

okay, so..er...assembly was international friendship day, gd job Patrice and Francis~ HAHAS 2B rocks!!

then was briefing about sec 2 camp and streaming, YAY THIS YEAR IS NOT THE STUPID ARMY CAMP :D cant wait to noe my grouping. HAHAS

then chiong eat and change, nat and zq- Its called Teleporting :P
then fall went to FUP. hahas, win, Scouts and Guides get cakes while BB get pumping. It was like we were enjoying cakes and drinking water in front of the BB doing pumping lol, feel sorry for them. And thx Ms Huda for the cakes!

okay , then rehearsals, did some mistakes :x on the senang diri, didnt hear the command..
okay, then after the two rehearsals, did some practice on our own, then dismiss, but campfire organising commitee stay back a while, then went to sugar rush,


Friday, April 9, 2010 Y 6:22 AM

Hahas, today sci was epic. Mr Mohamad went to push Amirza out of the class room to demonstrate Active transportation. then vp walk past and frown cos she thought Amirza got punished lol, then Mr mohamad immediately ran out and demonstrate Active transportation HAHA, until he hit the door LOL.

then then, Mr mohammad was showing us a vid of frog disection, very gory, then Mr Ari walk past, stand outside our class and watch for a bout 1 min, until the 2A teacher walk out of 2A then he go talk to her LOL.

hahas, Mr mohamad become like the Male and Science version of Ms Pradeepa lol.

then History then...I shake my hand(cos keep writing, hand pain) too much that i got no time to complete the source based TT

and er..after school, went to guides room, ate lunch, change...went to volleyball court. colour party...er..cant really remem..er...went to guides room for briefing, then went for patrol time. Was very noisy, no offence but kinda irritating. okay, then go do square lashing. then went to march.. the Elderly came :D Hillary scary LOL

so marching! Tiring, mainly worked on belok-ing lol, cos we suck at it. then the scouts leave this canvas on the floor and it has red stains on it. I thought it was tomato sauce, some ppl thot that it looked like the scouts killed someone or something, and some thot of *ahem. LOL

then march more, then go sugar rush, then go home LOL

Cant wait for tomo!~~ Tomo training , think we playing games

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 Y 6:10 AM

Lol lol, today was kinda fun and tiring.

okay in school lol, first was Chinese, then recess then art. Art was about drawing a self protrait of yourself sitting down, on the background that we drew last week. LOL, I draw the whole body without details and suddenly Mrs Jonoh say must draw contour lines, but heck care lah...i already draw most of it then say must use contour lines-.- Now must paint, then was history then maths, Maths was fun lol.

So we had our nicknames LOL
Me= Laughing Beaver, because appparently, When i laugh, i look like a beaver.
Natalie= Smartass, for getting so high marks in maths
Esmond=Emo kia/beauty freak/ random guy, cos he's emo, but one day he start to do facial, and he's sometimes random LOL
Geraldine=Goldfish LOL HAHA
Verona=Hungry Ghost, cos she's always hungry.

i think eventually, the whole maths class will have nicknames LOL.

then when the bell rang, we wanted to get the whole class sing for Verona, cos its her birthday but damn fail lol, only me , Esmond, and maybe Geraldine sing only-.-...

Happy Birthday to YanTing and Verona btw!!!

Okay, so ate lunch, then went up to guides room, then went to change, then went back to guides room, practiced dancing with ZQ. then fall in then go FUP then do parade. First parade i had no mistakes but the second one..i made one mistake lol. then later no more rehearsals le, so just continue marching on our own. I made lots of mistakes le lol, think cos i was tired or something.

then we were dismissed, thx Valerie LOL. First UG to go .so went up to guides room, stayed back to dance, then buy drinks and food to eat..slack more, watch NPCC march. then go home.

today was tiring lol.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 Y 6:22 AM

LOL, today was NAPFA 5 items, which i did badly. But i am happy for my sit up lol, i think its B or A. 30 lol. never got so high before HAHA. Think i failed sit n reach (I HAVE A SUPER STIFF BODY), standing broad jump and shuttle run. Inclilne pull-up passed but very pathetic lol.

Hopefully it rains again during the actual 2.4 run HAHAS *Does the rain dance*

Then er... History, chapter 7 lol. then er...sci, Transportation. I LOVE THE WATER CYCLE SONG, BUT PHOTOSYNTHESIS IS BETTER. Every plant can do this fundamental process and we can call this photosynthesis.~ LOL. then was Maths i think, still on chapter the substitution and elimination chapter. then Chinese, had a test lol. LOL, I went to chiong downstairs to mother tongue room, almost crashed into somone, only to find the room empty, so went up again. Then song lao shi tell me my teacher never come...-.- Run up and down for nothing. And chinese test LOL, damn funny, I do halfway, fall asleep, then song lao shi wake me up. then i do do do, the compre last ques idk how write so just write one sentence, go back to sleep, song lao shi come again , check my paper and say i write too little.-.- then i just pretended to write something-.-

k ,after school, ate lunch, then went up to 2B classroom with nat. Cos she on thurs not coming , so Ms tan ask her come today. then i have to wait for my mother mah, so just accompany her.

so..joined Serene's class lol, cos Nat's teacher nv come also... So ya... 2A is about 1 or 2 classes later then us. So we played the making the shapes game, And i could guess wat Serene want us to do lol, she make 2B do the exact same thing.... then the quiz also..... the bonus ques is also the same-.-

they just started learning about the roles and things. And this week then start discussing about their own debate. So er..helped the team that was doing the same topic as me. But basically just wrote down all the points i had, then chat with nat. I was shocked lol, the group actually really go discuss, my group just crap things out liddat. HAHAS. 2A and 2B are really different lol, that what i realised. HAHAS

Tmr is full dress rehearsal~

Saturday, April 3, 2010 Y 4:41 AM

Woo~ Today was first NDP training. K, not selection yet, is training first lol. Must work hard~

And so, because i am too paranoid, i ended up reaching Guides HQ one hour early..-.-. So walked around the neighbourhood first. Then went back, still no guides from BDS, but other school alr come. So just wait around, then Felicia came. So wait summore, then PeiZhen, TingTing, Melissa and Sonia came.

Tried to tie Melissa's hair, but couldn't, so Felicia helped her tie her hair. Then went up to the Hall. Sat there, took attendance, check attire... I bought new BDS socks for nothing lol, school socks not allowed cos of logo. Otherwise my attire is good.

then left our bags at the Hall while we went to some carpark behind ITE there. Some army ppl were training us. Training was tough but fun. It doesnt help that I got stomachache in the middle of hentakaki lol. Oh ya, they teach us from the basic, So now Sedia and Senang diri also must 90 degrees for legs. LOL there was 118 ppl there, then at first when we fall in in 3 ranks, the contingent was soooo long lol. so they move us to 9 ranks lol, but it made positioning hard..

So we learnt sedia, Senang diri, kenan, Kiri and hentakaki. LOl, i sweated till my sweat drip into my eye. so after training over, went back to Guides HQ, Hall, debriefed, then dismissed, took MRT with TingTing, 6 pack LOL.

It was extremely tiring but fun~

Friday, April 2, 2010 Y 7:09 AM

Today Good Friday, no School :D. but tomorrow NDP selection..Is nervous lol, hopefully i get selected . Wish me good luck LOL.

And happy late April Fools :)



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That girl.

Loh Xin Kai.
Also known as Reine
An awesome no-lifer with not much social life. I currently Belong to White Sands Primary School 1B'03, 2E'04, 3D'05, 4G'06, 5F'07, 6F'08 Bedok South Secondary School. 1B'09, 2B'10. I am a Brownie,Archer, Girl Guide.


BDS Girl Guides
BDS GG Design Team
R7 Famiglia
Anime and manga
All those random dances
My Computer


Pass all exams with flying colours
Nightwalk again!
Trip to Japan, preferably during Sakura Season, Comiket or WCS.
Trip to Italia
Visit as many historical sites in the world as i can
Anime Festival Asia 09
EOY 09
SOYA 2010
Get to MJC, then a LOCAL uni
Enjoy Sec School life
BDS GG to recruit more people

More than words.


Sakura Addiction~~~


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