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Kawaii Onigiri Pictures, Images and Photos
Wednesday, March 31, 2010 Y 6:54 AM

Today was Speech Day first combined rehearsal, tiring...

lol, so after sch, ate lunch with ziqun and nat, then went to guides room, guides room was locked though. So just put bags outside n went to change. then slacked outside guides room lol./ The n alot of NCDCC, Scouts, come but no guides come..so waited for some time until weijing came with the grand KEY. so slack abit then fall in ...then cant remember le lols

So cos today rained, had wet weather parade LOLS, a boring one, just stand along the corridor of the second floor. sedia when GOH comes... then stand stand stand until leg pain.

then the rain stop, go do a proper parade. Then more marching, kena timer. I was damn blur lol, cos is in the middle of hentakaki then i takeover timer from someone else, so abit blur. then the semula, idk how to start hentakaki again lol.

pumping ,march. dismiss


Friday, March 26, 2010 Y 6:03 AM


hm, was okay lol. But afternoon damn tiring.

okay , so after school, put bag in guides room then go eat, then go change. then slack around, polish trefoil. then fall in at volleyball court.

So GG today was to practice marching for Speech Day! Which was tiring to the max lol, at least we dont have the combined marching with scouts like last year, that was REALLY TIRING.

So at first, colour party, then er..cant remember lol...
think the sec 3s march on their own while sec 2s and 4s teach sec 1s. Kthi and Melanie are hard to teach, no offence lol, guess its the same for us last year? dunno... So, me and Ziqun tried to teach them as much as we could, but they still get confused, and the main mistakes like 90 degree all these.
and somewhere in the middle, Hui yi came with half a cake, we thought she was going to throw the cake at us LOL. Turned out that the cake was from the Scouts , cos it was Mr Nicholas b'dae soon. Then she us who wan eat cake, just fall out...so.. Me , Ziqun, jiamei, Peiyi, Geraldine, Felicia, ZhiQin and Manisha fell out to eat cake!!

At first we pass by the scouts, then the scouts ask us wait at canteen, they go help us take the forks and stuff, but they took so looong...sang some birthday songs to random ppl LOL, then we just took the forks from the stall and started to EAT! Damn funny, all fight for cake! So eat finish, then threw away the silver thing it was on. then the scouts finally came LOL then the cake eat finish alr LOL LOL LOL, but thnx Scouts anyway.

so started raining, then went to 4th floor to continue teaching, then SiLing help us teach, then go down again. cant remember, but Hillary took over the teaching of Sec 1s!! HAHAHA ! GD LUCK MAN! LOL. Reminds me of our sec 1 years LOL.

then er.. went to Netball court to fall in with all other UGs. Speech Day 2010 Combined UG Rehearsal! stand there so long, NCC take so long...

then it started, go to FUP, then started the actual rehearsal. First time not so bad, better than the CCA fair rehearsals. But when waiting for "GOH" muscle cramp... felt so much better when we finally japat jalan. then second time, not so pain, but i fell out of timing. Dunno how, think was too nervous or something then suddenly lose timing.

then .too tired to bother remember, but did more training on our own, , some pumping even, then went home. Damn tired now.

next wed still got training...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Y 6:19 AM


SO today first was PE lol, then go for 2.4 NAPFA trial test LOL. then while we walking back, it start raining!!!!!! WEE~ Timing so right, after running and all feel so hot and stuff, the rain cool us down. And so alot of ppl started cheering lol, then everyone from 2express and 2E was drenched LOL. Then actually supposed to go past HOD to collect back belongs, but i went to run across the netball court, got more wet, then walk past the sci lab to the HOD room LOL. then EARLY RECESS, I SOOOO LOVE TODAY. ate omelette rice, lol, then the teacher were like looking at us.. then the other classes come :X certain seats were wet lol alr lol. then went back to classroom. LOL, WIN WIN WIN, quite alot of class go hang their wet pe shirts on the window, LOL. but 2b no lol. then 2A pro, all go take out shoe and put at the door there, so epic !!!

then didnt change, cos er..if change to sch uni, also will be wet lol, then summore sch uni can see through. so i only take out shoes and socks, and let down hair WOOTS,. AND THUS, i walked around the school totally barefoot today, and teachers cant do anything LOL. Quite alot of ppl went barefoot too LOL. And i let down my hair the whole day too, but teachers also cant do anything!!!

WIN LOL, Mr Mohamed came in and say that our class is full of pontianaks. And apparently I am very scary LOL. Then ms abraham say must change to uniform, so change, but can still go barefoot and let hair down. LOL.

Win win win, so fun today, EXTREMELY EPIC. If u saw anyone walking barefoot or with hair down , its most probably from 2a - 2e LOL.


heard msn broke down lol, but mine alreay not working from a long time ago so ya. Apparently some lucky ppl msn didnt break down, but wat's the use of msn when most ppl arent online cos their msn broke down

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Y 8:14 AM

hi~ Now in malaysia, and now i shall post about White Sands Primary School Brownies and Scouts Camp 2010!

Went to school at around 7, walked around, met the other seniors. So the seniors who came are-
and the sec1s whom i dunno.

so walked around, look for Mr Salim the new scouts teacher for WSPS scouts. So around 8 then finally found him.
So went to Foyer. This year dun wan be facilitator for groups liao, go be station master :) LOL, last year was so damn nightmarish being in charge of the groups.
ok, so i am station master for the first aid station, along with Desiree who would be arriving at 12 something. LOL, sec 2/3s all push the facilitating of groups to the sec 1s, saying we are more experienced. LOL. WIN ONly 1 sec 1 got to be the station master.

then pput the bags and stuff, then help prepare for the outdoor cooking, then the groups have to make their identity and stuff. then chiong up to our stations. Had to handle alone first, taught the groups the triangular bandage for the head and ankle. Had hell, the kids didnt want to listen at all , and the sec 1s also cant keep them quiet, they keep running about...-.- Tried to get help from other station masters, but they also having same problem...

then finally, Desiree came!~ Is much easier with 2 ppl. But the kids still noisy...lol then got free time, go play captain's ball. HAHA.

then was lunch, at first the station masters no lunch cos the stall didnt make enough. so the teachers ask the stall people to make more. found out that got 3 extra packets, then Cyrus ask me eat first, cos i going off soon.

so eat then slack around. wait for 1:30. lol, 1:30 then the food was ready, then i went off.

went to school (bds) for the basics of facebook and blogging. LOL,i alr fb everyday and blog also. LOL, so walked around first, cos early. didnt know where was the place until HanRong told me, thx btw. Then go look for Natalie. then went to comp lab. So little people come, only about 5 ppl from 2b and slightly more ppl from 2a come.

sit there lol, then go fb. Didnt bother listen to the man talking. LOL, was updating fb status and stuff, HAHA. then the trainer ask us add hhis fb acc, the name is Bedok South Trainer. then he go put he in relationship. So on his wall, it said "Bedok South is in a relationship" LOLS, sounds like the sch is in a relationship!!! With who? Bedok View or Bedok Green? Or some other sch?? HAHAS!!! 5 mins later he removed the relationship but it still said Bedok South is nolonger in a relationship, LOLS so fast break. then one of the 2A boys go write the wall 'Sad life" LOL.

then use fb more and "learn" blogging but was really using fb. LOL.

then finally the lesson over, went back to WSPS, go staff lounge slack first LOL. then helped packed the prizes. also played monkey, then Cyrus go snatch the ball, then lie on the floor hugging it. So all the rest all try take back the ball, look like we raping him LOL. DAMN FUNNY, then he still want snatch again summore!! LOL. then Cyrus also make some irritating sound, then i go play the bgm sounds like Successor of rain. LOL LOLOLOLLOLLLLOLOL

then eat dinner, spicy :X thenslack more i think, this time with the sec 1s lol. thenh go help carry boxes of water to the foyer, the drinks for the parents. Then i go make 1 of the sec 1 boy help me carry LOL. then slack alittle go ushering! LOl,we also wrote nonsense behind the guestboard. Then help with ushering the parents then go join in the campfire. met zenith too. so sang songs, then tried to join in songs like blue bird , the duck one, and the caterpillar one, note the word TRIED. LOL, the scouts performances like doing a failed sexy dance LOL.

then campfire end. I would like to note that the songs all weird weird one, why some parts different from wads the seniors learnt?

then slack around,, help eat the unfinished food, then pack up the staff lounge, then can go.. And got 17 CIP hours :D last year camp dun have one :(. then Cyrus wan go 7-11 mah, so he ask who wan come then i say "if u treat then i come" then everyone wan treat also, then he really agree LOL. so went to 7-11 and bought the pizza thing. thx Cyrus LOL. he dunwan treat zenith HAHA. and saw a BDSian there, but idk who, just saw a bds shirt. then went home.

~Was fun~~:D

Monday, March 15, 2010 Y 7:39 AM

Back from Girl Guides Camp 2010!!!~~ Fun! But i find last year's camp much more fun and epic though.

okay okay, so on friday, Assembled in Guides room. Slack there, play card games till Ms Huda come then fall in.

Then Ms Huda told us our new Camp Patrols. Sad, this year cannot name the patrol. Okay , anyway, i was in Love patrol, together with ZhiQin and Khalisah. Only three ppl.... Cos Azreen supposed to be in our patrol, but she didnt come so..only 3. then got cloth for the patrol flag and identify as well. the The seniors, Hillary, Annabell n some others came also. then when we saw hillary , we were like so shocked, cos she dyed her hair.

Like half of our company didnt come, so Ms Huda is angry...

and we had asembled with the scouts some time in the middle. then wad, scouts have to ask guides to be their partner for the dance on fri...-.- Why must dance with them...-.- But at least we no nid ask them

Okay, then went to the volleyball court to build our tents and shoe racks. It was interesting... Me and Zhiqin were kinda having some trouble there cos we exco that time so didnt learn how to pitch tent and make shoe rack. And Khaliesah wasnt there cos sec 4s got PTM. But PeiZhen and Valerie helped us so it was fine~

Then cos Love was the cook for the day, we went off earlier to prepare dinner and stuff with the patrol in charge of Orderlies...cant remember who are they. Okay okay so ran around school to look the the stuff needed, like the syrup and a ladle. And Met Vivian ,very chio, LOLS.

okay, so brought all the food to the volleyball court, and the orderlies prepared the meal ring . and then everyone sit down cept the cooks and orderlies which is my patrol and anotehr patrol. then the scouts join in also.. So had to serve teh food and water to everyone including the scouts, okay so serve first, then eat ourselves.

then er..cant remember lol... but i know we had to claer up the place.

then if i not wrong, we did our patrol flag and identity. So for love patrol, we drew a big heart shape in the middle. and wrote the word love in the middle. then drew 3 girls. and drew haers all over the place, and on one corner we wrote our names. Quite nice. LOLS. and we tied our identity around our wrist.

then was a mini campfire...made out of candles...LOLS. So we sang some songs then when we sing Ging gang goolie, Mr Nicholas suddenly come in say he want tell us the story for the song. LOL, so he halfway tell then some scouts very cute lol! Suddenly at the side bang their feet and say "Permission to join in sir!" LOLs, so we let them join in. so Mr Nicholas continue telling story again, then another group of scouts go "permission to join in sir!" again! LOL, and so the circle became bigger!and so sang more songs and things. then PLs, PSs and exco stay back while other members can go sleep. and a small meeting. then went to sleep.

We sleep less than ten meters from the scouts...-.- its like all the tent are in one circle, and the scouts just tied some string in the middle for the barrier. And cos ZhiQin wan sleep with Shyna, only me NAd Khaliesah in the tent, so got lots of space LOL

okay, then some shit happened at night. And sorry Natalie, but seriously, i almost thought u gone mad when u started asking if anyone wanted mints.

okay then went back to sleep. Thank you seniors btw!!!

okay so Day 2~~~~~~~

Cos My patrol was in charge of Orderlies, we had to wake up early to prepare the food and stuff, didnt make scrambled eggs cos the the same shit. So fall in to do colour party and PT then served breakfast. Ate breakfast with the scouts too. Then sec 2s have to go for PTM. So changed and went up to the hall. We were the first there..-.- so the teachers talked talked talked....Fell asleep. then look for my mother then look for Ms Lim. Then my mother was like persuading me to take art or CPA...I dun wan take~~~ Then she go talk to Mr Nicholas, the art teacher there.

then waited for natalie then went back to camp to eat lunch~

then if i not wrong, we got free time to prepare for dragon boating. so packed my stuff, then went to foyer. LOLS, put some sunblock, then went onto bus. oh ya, had to carry the first aid box also.

okay, so we went dragon boating~~ Was fun but tiring, and Ms Huda, pls dun make bets again. LOLS. And was totally wet! LOLS. then went back to school to change, and i dun think we were allowed to shower..but cant remember

cant remember wad we did next...But think we had to come up with performances. and okay so.. we had dinner. I think the scouts had investiture on that day so they didnt join us.

then we had the Guess the Lyrics and guess the song game. Sorry, cos i dont listen to english songs so i couldnt guess. fo rmany of the songs, it was my first time hearing them LOLS.

okay, and so it was homework time, and if u no hw or dun wan do hw, can go sleep early. but lights must be out at 11.

so slept, and Manisha joined my tent, Cos my patrol tent got too much space to spare lols. while her patrol tent was packed with ppl.

then we were woken up for night walk!!!

So we went uo to the music room, was freaking cold, was shivering lol. not cause i scared but cos of the air con so damn cold, i know cause after that, when we went out, i stopped shivering lols.

okay okay so, we were briefed on the night walk thing.... 1 scout and 1 guide in a group , and we have to tie our hands together..WTH.. ok..so, got like some stupid time limit to find partner..-.-..okay so Han Rong , the sec 2 one not the sec 3 one was my partner.

so went down to netball court to wait for our turn to walk. One of the scouts damn funny lol, keep shouting weird things whenever ppl go. Shalyn and her partner damn cute lol, cos her partner is Darren from 2D, damn short one. Then is like one tall one short, look like mother and son.

ok, and soon it was my turn. then the scout who shouts weird thing say my hair something? And we plotted to walk damn slowly, for the group behind us, Ting Ting and Elvan? cant remem his name. to catch up LOLS.

And the nightwalk not scary one lols. We kept predicting where ppl would come out and scare us. LOL, I was like" becareful of here,be careful of there" all the time LOLS, then got one part damn fail lol. The person who was supposed to scare was talking on the phone loudly, so we could hear from a distance. So we know got ppl gonna scare us, LOL.

And at the staff room, they allowed 4 of us to walk together!! LOL. So we all walked inside, then near the end of the staff room, i kept repeating "be careful" until Mr Nicholas and Valerie went to scare us, but we didnt have much reaction. Then Valerie say "why nobody scared one" then mr nicholas answer "cos they were careful." LOLS

okay , so walk finish, go back to netball and talk with the others. Good Luck to JiaMei lols, cos she last group mah, so confirm the scariest one, cos all improve liao. LOLS, then all at Netball court, listen to her group and HuiZee's group screams, like got alot of screams from them LOL.

Nightwalk not scaary at all one.. didnt scream at all.

then got the matching centre/dating agency LOLS. Those who dun have partner for the dance yet have to go. Han Rong ask me alr so i dunnid go lol. But damn funny lol, its like all the scouts have to go up to all the guides and shake hands and vice versa. then have to choose the one thye like best! LOL, then the scout teacher ask those who alr have partner to talk , but i went to say, "looking at them is more funnier." LOLS. And Jiamei went with Royce!! LOLS, cos Kok Jun go matchmake them LOL.

then finally can go back to sleep~

DAy 3!!!!!~

woke up, changed, colour party, the usual things. Had breakfast, cant remember if it was with the scouts or not. then prepare to go hike to ECP.

so we hiked, sang songs on the way under the hot sun. Walk there , then go to the food centre place to eat. Had chicken rice which i couldnt finish, then took bus back to school, cos cant remem if was too hot or drizzling... so we WALKED all the way to ECP from Bedok South just to eat....-.-..

then we act hero run in the rain to check our tent, if it was wet. End up, felicia and Jiamei , who stayed in sch alr helped us cover the tent LOLS.

Then we went to practise and prepare for our performances. My group is dancing Nobody nobody but you! and as part of sec 1s and 2s, we danced pink panther, taught by ZQ!

then went to music room to rehearse more. And Hillary , the ex-cl , became our dance teacher and taught us Nobody!!!

then helped blow some balloons, then go change!~

then outside the toilet, all so scared of scouts, so all in group , quickly chiong back

lol, then after changing, slacked at 4C classroom. then i boliao, go open window, and some scouts happened to be outside, and some of them alr in formal wear. LOL, then we were all panicking in 4C classroom, making noise, the i quickly close window before the scouts can see. LOL

then went up to music room. helped to decorate the guestbook with jiamei and aqila.
then went down so the scouts can "pick us up"

so first, walked there, then the scouts started clapping...for i dunno wad reason. then walk in line, then those scouts who confident on who their partner is can go find their partner. and so we walked away first. we had dinner, and supposed to be 1 pair at one table, i was sharing that stretch of tables with ZiQun and her partner ZhiDong! LOLS.

then while we eat dinner, was supposed to find out more about each other, but me and Han Rong observed ZiQun and ZhiDong instead. Cos they were damn funny, like some korean drama series lol, The gangster and the henpecked husband!!! LOL. then ziqun was like place her empty cup hard on the table, and demand that ZhiDong refill it. LOLOLOL

then went to music room for dance.
inthe end, who would wan dance with scouts..

i wanna sleep now, so i will update tomo, along with the BnS camp things

okay, i shall COntinue!!

so cant remember wad wwe did first er...So we sit down first, then we played the ballon game~
So each pair have 1 balloon, then have to tie to our legs. First round was anyone who was pair with a sec 1 scout, Melanie's pair won i think. Then second round was all the leaders, which i had to play in cos i PS for love patrol.

IN the end, the gay couple go burst our balloon LOL, but it was fun !

LOL, cant remember wad we did next lol. hm..... Think we had some dance, which nobody did LOL and the go under the string thing. Then GG had to perform!! LOL, First, we did the pink panther dance, i think our synchronization was bad lol. then we danced the nobody! Then was a game, some couples were forced to go up and answer ques about each other. LOL LOL LOL.

then the scouts perform, it was a surprise for them LOL. and they sang twinkle twinkle little start and i not sure if got other songs LOL. but damn monotone lol. then was more dancing!! cant remember when we did the freezing game lol. Then me and ZQ decided to do outrageous poses like praying to each other, fighting, slapping, LOL then damn funny. had a dance off with scouts lol, then they come sliding towards the centre, i went to pretend to kick them. and some scouts actually got into some ahem poses in the excitement LOLS. And Kok Jun played the guitar LOLS.

And the pageant!! For the king and queen, I voted for Jiamei and Royce, LOLS.and the shortlisted candidates were..drumroll!!! for the queens are Manisha, Jiamei!!! and WeiJing!!! for the kings are- Jiayao, Royce and Tianlai! then they have to do catwalk and stuff so funny and natuarally, jiamei partnered with royce LOLS. Jking jking!!!

In the WeiJing and TianLai won, they make a good couple :D LOL they had to wear a crown LOL.

then was the scouts prize presentation, then clean up. lol, then we guides had to carry the table then one of the scouts was like ""eh, dun like the guides carry table on their own" then suddenly got alot of ppl come and carry table. lol, then wash up and sleep!

DAy 4~~~~

Woke up, did the usual things, then had breakfast and stuff, then had manito, had to repick manito cos some ppl come and go so ya...So we sang the manito song, then WeiJIng come up and grab me, then i blur blur for 5 rounds before grabbing Shyna LOLS had prize presentation also. then go strike tents, clean tents, cos they were borrowed from NCDCC. then went up guides room to put the things down and slack and eat free food LOLS.

then those who wan stay back cna stay back
so stayed awhile to play, then go home~~

I tomo then post about BnS camp lol..tired ..

thx Cyrus for treating me 7-11 btw, LOLS had fun!

Thursday, March 11, 2010 Y 4:11 AM


K, yesterday spot check... 2A and 2B like got the biggest reaction LOL.

and tomo is camp~~ Wee~ lol

Be Prepared for long post, HAHS

and my first half of holidays were booked~ LOL

Sat-Mon: Guides Camp

Tues: BnS camp

Wed: Photoshoot, only going if Alina going though

Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Y 4:01 AM


today in sch~ first had PE, but cos all PE teachers gone for sec 1 camp, so no pe. Speaking of sec 1 camp, i wonder if the sec 1s are enjoying it or they kena tekan? Me and nat were the first girls who got to change :D LOL. then slack around for the whole lesson, and studied history. :X

then after recess, history, had a test. LOL,we didnt know there was test but i just studied HAHA, LOLS. Then teacher selected our partners for the Propaganda poster thingy. Damn lol, 40% of our CA marks on this poster. And Sorry Dana, for picking your number to partner with Song Jun. LOLS. And I kena Jordan as my partner.

Ya, we cant agree on anything cos, we both will say "anything" "you choose" . lol...so Rachel says we are too alike in a way...

okay, then was er...Maths? cant remember. Learned chapt 3.5, kinda understand but dun understand? LOL. And time passed very fast as usual.

And Chinese, Gong Han, test, i did okay~?

then went to canteen and met Geraldine, Sonia, Jiamei And Natalie and ate lunch with them. LOL. Damn funny, me and jiamei kept talking about last year's camp again! LOL Then went up to guides room, slack outside while waiting for WeiJing and Durrani.

then finally the two came, briefed us about the camp then went home.~

Friday, March 5, 2010 Y 4:11 AM

today was cross contry~

ok, so went to bedok reservoir in Full Guides U~ Met up with the rest of the guides, Natalie, Shyna, ZhiQin, JiaMei and Aqila.

So, went to arrange the medals and stuff, then satnd around, wait for the ppl to come. Got to go up close with Ms Abraham LOLS. was kinda scary.
so stood around, later stand at 3E-3H? the area there. so wait until all the ppl come back, then start the prize presentation. Leg pain:X

K, so i was in charge of giving the goodie bags of the top 3 boys and girls of each level to whoever is giving the prizes to the winners. The Bag is freaking Heavy, heard there's six cans of 100 plus inside? Lol, when i gave mr ari, he like almost drop. LOL.

after all the prize all given out, we moved the tables back and took th garbage bags and standby to collect rubbish while ppl walk pass us to dismiss!

omg, didnt get to sit down or anything the whole time
ok, so stay back a while, then go home.

went back to school at 3pm, chatted with some guides for a while then fall in..march..etc etc/

most boring gg session ever, cos i exco mah.. the rest went to pitch tent/gadget making, while excos do the files and things..so spent the whole time sitting there.... and cleaning the room, as least dusting the carpet was fun :D


Wednesday, March 3, 2010 Y 6:37 AM

Elearning over! Common test over!! YAY~~~

but now everyone chiongin engrish poster... lol...

cross country on fri...


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That girl.

Loh Xin Kai.
Also known as Reine
An awesome no-lifer with not much social life. I currently Belong to White Sands Primary School 1B'03, 2E'04, 3D'05, 4G'06, 5F'07, 6F'08 Bedok South Secondary School. 1B'09, 2B'10. I am a Brownie,Archer, Girl Guide.


BDS Girl Guides
BDS GG Design Team
R7 Famiglia
Anime and manga
All those random dances
My Computer


Pass all exams with flying colours
Nightwalk again!
Trip to Japan, preferably during Sakura Season, Comiket or WCS.
Trip to Italia
Visit as many historical sites in the world as i can
Anime Festival Asia 09
EOY 09
SOYA 2010
Get to MJC, then a LOCAL uni
Enjoy Sec School life
BDS GG to recruit more people

More than words.


Sakura Addiction~~~


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