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Kawaii Onigiri Pictures, Images and Photos
Friday, February 26, 2010 Y 6:02 AM


So today school, sci, so called revision, when much time was spent on talking about some unrelated stuff. LOLS.

lit, got lit test back, average marks. History, continued the nanking video. Cried alot, apparently.
english~ Ms tan not here!~

after school, went to eat, Omelette rice~ Changed and went to foyer.

assembled with the rest of the guides and scouts to go to the shuttle bus there and take shuttle bus to changi.

was lucky enough to b e in sec 2 and got onto the bus. cos bus cannot accomodate so many ppl. Jiamei took taxi LOLS. Okay, so reached there, slacked, then walked to the bowling centre.

got our bowling shoes nad started bowling! I was with Mubeena, Natalie, ZiQun, Geraldine and Melanie
practice round first, i was second to bowl. And we had to take Melanie's turn cos she was writing lines and have to come later.

so started the actual thing... And.. I sucked...and it doesnt help that some scouts were sitting in the same area as us...esp the poser..LOL

So most of the time i hit the drain...and got 0, so i was really happy when i hit that very few pins down...lol..then the kok jun go call me noob......-.-okay, congrats Mubeena and geraldine and melanie for getting STRIKES! And let HuiZee play some my my turns too, since i was so noob.

Bought some cheese fries with Mubeena and jiamei to eat. and continued playing. I still continued to suck in bowling..In the end, we lost..

walked to the 'bus stop' and slack. Scouts have to give up seat to us! LOL. okay, so scouts sang songs, then we sing songs also. then the bus come...but got other ppl get in also, so only the FAS and the sec 1s got in. the rest of us? WALK

So walked from changi to bedok, with our heavy bags... Sang songs along the way, was quite fun.
and when we walked pass some army camp, some army ppl waved at us, so we waved back..then they suddenly take off their shirts...i was like OMG....

ok so walked walked all the way to opp bedok camp. then went home.~

had fun today, although guides lost. It was my first time playing bowling after all. Wee~ tired~~

Monday, February 22, 2010 Y 4:43 AM


okay today..report to school before 6.45 lol. The school looks so cool in the dark!!!!! WEE~~

then go hall outside there line up, say the promise, law.. LOL when we were going to sing the national anthem, then they say "sekolah sedia!" then we go bang, and frightened the sec 1s. they actually jumped lols!!!

ok, guides promise, was i so loud meh? and guides law, i actually said "guides law" sia...not suspose to say actually.... lol,

then went to field to salute to the flag. HAHAS, the scouts haven set up finish yet. then they adjusting the flag thing, the scouts teacher, mr tan , had to sit on the ledge thingy.. AND lol, someone shouted, "dun kill yourself!" HAHA.

okay , so did the ceremony..then went to class,

And the MOST EPIC THING EVER STARTED~ Cos some boys from my class were preventing some boys from getting into the classroom, which turned out to be a violent struggle of slamming doors LOL, I somehow managed to get into the classroom! :D HAHA. then Mr tan, from 2C went to scold them outside....then suddenly Mr tan went inside our classroom, i thot he was going to say something like, "sit down and keep quiet" but instead he said "Everyone, take out your handphones and record them" LOLOLOLOLOL, cos the boys have to do punishment!! then
everybody chiong take hp and go outside video. then 2B and 2C were all using hp to video. the boys' punishment was to do squats while pulling their ear and saying "i am an idiotic moron for slamming doors with no reason" LOLOLOL EPIC MANZ, LIKE 2 CLASSES were Recording them doing it!!!!!!!!!!!

haha, then after school, ate first, then went to guides room slack, and gamble :x, i didnt gamble, only played one round of taiti, then lent my cards to the scouts. LOL, then went to take the cake and stuff from ms huda's table with Jiamei, ziqun and aqila. HAHA, then er... formed circle with scouts. Then had some graces, scouts one quite funny lol, and had reflection too LOL, the scouts de Han Rong went to say "I don't want scouts to be so gay." LOLOLOL I laugh until OTL.

then ate the food! Then Ms Huda ask me and Natalie to SERVE the Scouts..wth..but did do it anything, was ok.. And a little funny , LOL.

then went to volleyball court.~ Did some songs and games alone first..then had to form circle with scouts.. in this formation - Scout guide scout guide.....-.-, then had to sing the "As we walk to the left, as we walk to the right song" !! OMG..then have to hold hands with scouts....

then play bombwacko, which is a combination of bomb and wacko, LOLS , HAHAs, then played dog and bone...My group was facing the sun...

ok, then water break, then at volleyball court there decided on cheer. the Nobody one!! Me and Ziqun went demo it , then suddenly, the scouts go 3 cheers us, then somehow became a bombing game, LOL. HAHA, then went to field to take down the flag and salute again. LOL

Okay, so form a circle AGAIN but alone first :). Scouts did their cheer and we did our NOBODY cheer!! HAHA. 3 cheers! So did the ceremony and did reflection, then go up guides room. actually can go already, but didnt feel like going home so stayed a while and played old maid with geraldine, mubeena, Pei Zhen and Zhi Qin. , then finally go home..

Tired~~ Today was FUn~~

Saturday, February 20, 2010 Y 8:40 AM

haha okay so yesterday~~~

Yesterday or the day before yesterday cos is over 12..-

IN school haha, there was a wasp in class, it flew into the fan and dropped into Dana's bag!! MUAHAHAHAHA damn funny lol.
then guides, went up early to start painting.. then change..then go volleyball court.

forgot wad we did.... er the more interesting ones?

I kena colour party, with valerie and peizhen.

guides shirt colour and design is decided.

decided on patrol corner. and Cheer!! I love our cheer man-

Strawberry shortcake blueberry pie, V I C T O R Y, Victory is our pride. *starts dancing to the nobody song* I wan mynah mynah mynah not you! I wan mynah mynah not you, oh My mynah mynah mynah ( and god knows how many mynahs are there) MYNAH!!!

Song session, MYNAH ISH HYPER! We win!

rehearse for Monday

go home, but publication team stay back, cept Aqila cos she nid go.

Finished the banner! went to hang it up at the quadrangle there with the scouts. HAHAHAHA/ Damn funny!!!!

Cos Ms Huda wanted the banner to be high up, then we cannot reach mah , then kok jun at first can put to this height, but Jia Yao said he can put higher..end up act like cowboy, trying to throw the string into the hole. HAHA. LOL

then discovered that the word 'celebrate" the scouts...went to do this- celebrate, cele- BRA- te. LOL, i did my otl laugh. HAHAHAHa, then wei jing fixed it. but it was still damn funny. then finally could go home.'

and TODAY~~ or should i say yesterday...

First report to school in canteen. checked uniform and stuff, then boarded the bus to go indoor stadium. On the bus...Ms Huda make me lead songs, but i couldnt do it. HAHA. Sang father's abraham LOL LOL LOL. haha and some other songs. :)

then indoor stadium ! Sit by patrol!! Mynah ish hyper. we were eating ALOT. !! HAHAS. Then we were singing when no other school was singing...then all looking at us... then there was this song with the word 'abraham' in it. so when it came to that part, me and zq shouted "Abraham!" HAHAHAHA

okay, so after that, me , jiamei and aqila went o take back our banner. lol, then take picture, we hid ourselves behind the banner!! LOL.

ok, so went for dinner with Ms Huda, Duranni, Li Min, Yi Xuan, Zi Qun, Natalie, Jiamei, Melanie, and Radiah. Had fun! HAHA, then went home..

went to bainian..

Thursday, February 18, 2010 Y 4:40 AM


Today DnT was fun and tiring ~ Lol, Mdm Yong didnt come today but there was relief teacher...okay first.....teacher teach us how to file...then i went to continue cutting out my stars. Improved on my cutting:D

then got 1 time..the thing suddenly went up. the needle thing broke...then teacher replaced it, then i continued cutting, then someone else's scrollsaw de needle thing broke too..then i think got another 1 also. LOL, then teacher was saying why keep breaking today. haha

FINALLY CUT FINISH!!! YAY!!!! Went to sand and polish the sides.

Sanding was hard... lol, not say that hard but hard to tell whether u sand enough.... then went to polish . COOL, i polish polish and polish until damn shiny LOL. and polish until my hand rough also..

recess..then music, Mrs Lai didnt come, so i sleep for the whole lesson, yar, seriously sleep. then english then lit...then CME. then dismiss...ate lunch, had Julia gabriel. ROFLs, Errol's group de..funny LOL

then engrish (misspelling intended) remedial...

then guides exco meeting/banner painting lol.
HAHA Geraldine LOLS.Sell toilet rolls!!

then went home

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 Y 6:59 AM


today..hmm..forgot bring tie and kena offence form...:0

then chinese, got this newpaper, which had KHR on it!!! WHEE!!!

then recess..then art..then maths..then Assembly..Prefects investiture is not as cool as last year..
last year's was SO COOL..and this year..ferrero roche....But it was kinda touching, i almost cried -.-

then chionged to guides room, then had lunch...Aqila left first for PL/PS meeting, while me and Jiamei slacked in 3C classroom, helped to sweep her classroom lols! There were sweet wrappers all over.

then suddenly Aqila call say that the scouts arrive alr..WTF, they say 3 then start but its earlier...

Went to Guides room and OMG, its so crowded and noisy..with the scouts inside.

okay , so painted the guide logo, Jiayao helped me too. In the end,me, Jiamei and jiayao painted the guides logo.

LAUGHED AGAIN, ya thanks scouts, for making me laugh. Ya so painted and painted..

Ms Huda came to help, so continue painting, chatted..then went home....


Sunday, February 14, 2010 Y 8:25 AM


okay..so on Friday..

some lessons...then concert.ROFLS, Mr Ari, our principal went to dress up as Cai Shen. EPIC LULZ

and during recess, i got really unlucky..I decided to pop my head out of the railing to look up, then i saw this boy's face and something white came flying down at me... I realised the guy was spitting when i decided to put my head out..So i kena the saliva... DAMN DISGUSTING.

then today~~

Go bai nian~

I pwn at Black Jack LOLS

Thursday, February 11, 2010 Y 6:52 AM


okay today in sch...DnT was super fun, though scary, got my design done, so went to start work.

First use the machine to cut out the oval on my wood. first cut out straight lines to there's less to cut. Then use the sanding machine to make the curve. Damn cool lol, the sander machine, but its kinda scary. So got my oval shape on the wood.

then went to cut the acrylic. First measure..then used the first machine to cut it. then drew stars on it and drill holes. The drill holes machine is the scariest imo. Cos the acrylic will just suddenly go up the drill ..... but its okay... then went to 'open' the hole to make the stars. This machine is hardest to use. My first star was very badly done, then later the teacher help me cut the second one, was much better. It was so cool lol! then no more time le, so go recess.

rest of the lessons were boring..

then julia gabriel..then BANNER PAINTING. Today scouts run away first so only gg...first had some meeting first lah.
HAHA. Geraldine has to sell tissues, HAHAHAHAHA.

then paint more and go home.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 Y 4:14 AM


OKay, school was boring as usual, lol. and had fire drill.. weather wasnt as hot as last year :D

then after school, went to meet Jiamei and Aqila outside staffroom to meet Ms Huda. Wee~ Volunteered for NDP lols. And bought acrylic paints.

went to get the guides room key, and went up to guides room.... LOL, knocked on the scout's room door...ya...then wait and wait and wait.. And the scouts ransacked all our things....So finally started painting HAHA.

It was so funny while painting..hm.

-the scouts molesting each other? LOL
-A scout named Kok Jun, damn funny lol
-Another scout called Amos, laugh until damn funny, damn gay LOL. And this Jeremy(SCOUTS NOT NCDCC), laugh also damn funny.
-the cracking of jokes
-The scouts go paint the picture of the scout until so ugl, look like Mona lisa, Epic LULZ
-That kok jun guy, while painting, he go "pose" LOL LOL LOL LOL''

Okay, i was laughing the WHOLE TIME while painting. LOL LOL LOL.

1 thing i love about banner painting is that i get alot of information LOLS

okay so...Regarding the Scouts VS Guides for bowling, whoever loses has to write on their notice board that they suck. EG. scouts lose, so they have to put "scouts suck" on their notice board. LOLS. Have to learn how to bowl now.....

and we will be busy busy busy~~


Friday, February 5, 2010 Y 7:47 AM


Okay, so today brought ORANGES TODAY!!! LOLS, Errol actually asked if we were selling orange cookies!!!

And history class, was watching this war movie about hitler. There were some funny parts LOLS.

Then after school, went to put down bags in guides room with natalie, then went down to buy burger for duranni and ourselves. Went back up and ate... Slacked a little...Some other people come..then have to go arrange the tables for the debate..

Most classes already went to arrange but have to check if they are correct and no vandalism on the table...

2nd floor, whole stretch of classrooms on Block G was horrible, almost every single table had vandalism..Esp this class..dun wan to say out... Nice angry starfish..i thought i was a chicken..-.-

So we had to give up some tables from 2B, since, we could not find a proper table in Block G...-.-

So..Pandora's table now has some vandalism of some heart shape

Mathias has an ANGRY STARFISH!! LOLS

Me and Nats table are replaced with those from 2A..nothing much..cept a heart shape and someone's name on it....

Went to prepare for the CNY games. First we hid the Ang Paos all over the school, then went to play Peeling the oranges competition. Had about 7 extra oranges which we gave to the Scouts..ya, we always give the Scouts..... Then go play THE angpao search! LOLS.

then play murderer, then some BB go tell us lightning signal is on so have to go back in..so kena dismissed..but i cant go since i am helping out in the debate.

Okay, so first..go to the Scouts to negotiate the time to paint the banner....-.- Now then FINALLY can get an answer , even though we were already asking from last year.....

Ok, so quickly changed into full guides u...and fall in outside guides room. Kena pumping for...er..nvm,.. then had to go put waterbottles in every classroom...For the chairman...all the impt ppl........................................................................................................
then had to chiong to foyer..do ushering..at first was blur..cos the ppl asked where was room 5..but me and aqila didnt know where was it..so left them to follow the signs... but it worked well later...

Spent the whole time ushering....lols...there was some competition with scouts for the ppl..HAHAS... Okay..some of the interesting ones....Erm there was this teacher who kept reminding me of raffles which i ushered into their classroom, then later, when i was ushering someone else and passed by their classroom, the teacher asked me to go downstairs, check the board for where their next debate is...come up again and tell him... then...i was leading a group of ppl to classroom 5A with yanting..wasnt sure where was the place..and the scouts happened to be infront of me..so i called out to them to confirm..but inthe end..i had to run after them ...-.-...

and er...the woman at the registration counter was telling the ppl that if they are not sure of anything, she points to me and says, you can always ask the girl SCOUT....WTH...

okay..so ushered..LEG DAMN PAIN...kena 1 blisters on each leg... wearing marching boots and walking around for a few hours sucks..esp when the school is late and want to chiong i have to run with them....-.-....

then finally..ushering is over but still have to go around pick up litter... then go canteen, discuss abt GG.. YAY, THE SCOUTS TEACHER ADMIT THE SCOUTS CMI, LOLS,cos the scouts already go home but we gg still here. then go to guides room, take our bags, put in staffroom ate soggy fries, then go around pick litter...then go take our bags..and go home.

some funny things-

- The scouts went to sit down..then i ask them "scouts, can u dont sit down." LOLS
-Fighting with the scouts to usher
-the scout's reaction when we gave them the oranges.

like all related to scouts....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010 Y 4:47 AM

Common test today..GOOD LUCK . And history tomo...

Thnx Natalie for the keychain and teaching me how to do it. And good luck with the orders. :)

Friday gonna do the traffic ushering thing.....lol

Tuesday, February 2, 2010 Y 3:38 AM

Went out to watch 20th Century Boys: Chapter 3 with Amanda today.

LOL, realised got the EXACT SAME seat as when we watched the second movie. LOLS


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That girl.

Loh Xin Kai.
Also known as Reine
An awesome no-lifer with not much social life. I currently Belong to White Sands Primary School 1B'03, 2E'04, 3D'05, 4G'06, 5F'07, 6F'08 Bedok South Secondary School. 1B'09, 2B'10. I am a Brownie,Archer, Girl Guide.


BDS Girl Guides
BDS GG Design Team
R7 Famiglia
Anime and manga
All those random dances
My Computer


Pass all exams with flying colours
Nightwalk again!
Trip to Japan, preferably during Sakura Season, Comiket or WCS.
Trip to Italia
Visit as many historical sites in the world as i can
Anime Festival Asia 09
EOY 09
SOYA 2010
Get to MJC, then a LOCAL uni
Enjoy Sec School life
BDS GG to recruit more people

More than words.


Sakura Addiction~~~


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