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Kawaii Onigiri Pictures, Images and Photos
Saturday, January 30, 2010 Y 7:53 AM

SOY B today. I still call it S O Y~ LOLS

okay, in the morning, went to White sands shopping centre meet celine, then went to tampines find her fren. Then mrt-ed all the way to Clementi, then bus-ed to Ngee Ann poly. Met Clare and her fren by coindence too~

Since we were too early, sat outside the event area for a while, watching ppl play the drums. Cool~ Then event opened~ Went inside walked a few rounds. Bought some postcards. Wee~~
Then walked more rounds, then slack outside...I took out my history notes to read~

Met the KHR team who were now not KHR anymore...More of POT and Bleach...
Slacked more, studied and practiced marching~

Went to tofu cafe to eat... Expensive~ Only had green tea... Bottle one... didnt drink finish though, only a little left.

went to this area to slack, chatted with celine, clare and her fren.

And oh ya, went to the outside event area. Someone was giving away free manga, so took all 3 volumes of PERSONA~~~ LOL. Somebody even took 30+ volumes of dragon ball

Went to walk more~~~ Study more and practice footdrills more~ LOLS. HAHAS. then slack there for some time, changed.... then slacked more and pretended to be a ghost!!! HAHA, when i let down my hair, PB couldnt recognise me!!! Then slack more. walked around. Then celine go home...then went with the group for dinner, clare and her fren go home~

Was near the MRT already when Vinny suddenly remembered she left her sword in Ngee Ann poly, so she went back with TheCloud to take it back.

So the rest of us went to a nearby playground to Slack! Played truth or dare actuall, quite fun. But some dares were...Lucky for me, my truths and dares were easy~~ The worst one was to kiss someone on the lips..:0 And cos of some dares... I gave up my still unfinished green tea drink. LOLS. So i erm..shared a bottle with everyone...Just that i didnt drink it after other ppl drink alr. LOL

then vinny and thecloud came back... They decided to go CAUSEWAY POINT IN WOODLANDS to eat dinner..So me and Hibari's friend, Tristan..(did i get the name right?) will die.... Cos we both live in the FAR FAR EAST of Singapore.

Anyway, MRTed to Woodlands....LOL, first time, we got into the wrong mrt, it was going to Pasir ris instead!! PB went emo.LOLS, and i was laughing OTL-style!! LOL

then went to causeway point, eat..Had salmon and chicken bento..Didnt finish it... Then PB showed me a magic trick..more of a math trick. Then played truth or dare for a while then went to mrt with TheCloud, Kyokishi, Tristan and Marcus? (Sorry if got the names wrong.)
TheCloud kept making me laugh....Okay, in the MRT, made a "campsite" LOLS. And slacked. Played murderer...I make a bad detective and murderer. LOL, cos when i was the murderer. someone said, Murderer, reveal urself! I went to put my card down, revealing myself...I was susposed to wink/kill someone.. LOLS, was the murderer 3 times in a row.

And when i was the detective, lol!!! TheCloud went to wink/kill me until so funny, then i immediately unveiled my card~~~ lololol!!! Then another round, Both me and TheCloud became the detective and murderer again. he went to snap his fingers and everybody look at him. Then he wink at everyone... I still blur blur....didnt even know he snapped his fingers. Was the detective for 4 consecutive rounds LOLS

then TheCloud and Marcus got off at circle line there. Kyokishi got off at i forgot which stop. then left me and tristan. So we took mrt all the way to Tanah Merah~ Near BDS!!! Then he got fetched by his parents there, while i took bus home.

tired~~~Reached home at 11~ OMG , i feel so accomplished again!!! First time i go out with friends and come back so late.. Not counting 2010 countdown, cos it is a countdown... LOL

Friday, January 29, 2010 Y 4:54 AM


Okay today~.Hm...Had sci test, had history test...

Then after, school, ate lunch with ZIQun and Natalie.
Then went to change..then slack around in guides room.
Stayed in guides room for briefing....ran down to volleyball court...did abit of marching before chionging to guides room then to Physics lab.

Had First Aid had there.Today is THEORY~~ EASY~ Learnt about Haemorrhage, Burns...wounds.. LOL, the pictures are gory~ but If u are in Ms Pradeepa's history class, no nid to worry cos , she shown us the War movie le..which is GORY~ LOLS!

After studying. had a test. I AM SO PROUD!!! Abit boasting here but I FINISHED THE PAPER IN ABOUT 1 MINUTE, fastest among all NCDCC and GG. AND GOT 18/20!! Highest among GG~~~Not sure bout NCDCC though Wee~~~ Then explored the first aid kit..and got a sweet!

Went back to guides room. Changed into LF tee and shorts..went down to play basketball with sec 1s and 4s.. I FAIL. Ms Huda ask me make sure everyone played and gets into mixed level groups...but its was so hard.....

Then after time up , went up to guides room again. then slack around..Sing taps with sec 1s...Then sec 1s go... Slack more since the rest couldnt go... Then ms Huda called me into the room. Ask if i got any post. Then she ask me be First Aid officer. owo, should i be happy or sad..

slack more, sing taps again, clean up guides room... go home


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 Y 5:12 AM


Most probable scenario
You have isolated exactly where you are, and you plan a trajectory to take you to safe shores. You are able to determine what direction your are going, but your attempts change directions are adversely prevented by the ocean currents. After covering the body with the repellent, survivors try to relax with a dip in the ocean Everyone complains about the sunburns, and attempts to don things to protect themselves from exposure to the sun. Thirst is quenched by sipping from the can of water. No fish are caught, seems to be a bad area for fishing! Hunger is satisfied with the C rations. You notice a plane flying overhead during the evening, But you cannot get their attention.
No matter what you do, you cannot navigate your raft to safe shores. Out of frustration, the sextant is tossed overboard. No one attempts to retrieve it. Sharks kill most of the survivors. Everyone has burned skin and needs medical attention! Your thoughts turn towards finding means of protecting yourself from exposure. The fish caught have not been suitable for eating, your rations continue to deminish. After days of waiting for rescue, you still have your stamina! The night plane flies overhead, but does not see you!

Your overall survival IQ is 15.
Your ability to stay alive is 90%
Your ability to protect yourself from the elements is -24%
Your ability to catch the attention of your rescuers is -21%

Y 4:44 AM

so something happened....-.- I guess i am really an emotionless freak...-.--.--.--.-.--.-.-.-


okay, today went to school, and surprisingly, i am super early~~~~~~ so ya..first lesson CHINESE. Dear god. I wrote crap for compo. :D then recess, then art..WTH, ask us bring paint for nothing...........-.- then history~~ Effing epic. Ms Pradeepa showed us a war movie, GORY. Makes me feel like playing Call of Duty. HAHA

Ya, the first part wasnt gory at all. And kinda funny. All the vulgarities HAHA. Then Ms Pradeepa stopped the vid and asked if 2B can take gore. All say can, so continue watching... Ya , gory...but not the worst. I guess not the worse for me and dana and maybe the boys. LOLS. Ya, but its war so ya... But the most gory one was the one where u can actually see the head with the blood still flowing out of the detached neck.... There were lots of dismembered bodies, without limbs..etc.. ya.. bu its mostly part of the background.

then do sourcebased ques~

then Maths. How time passes, I actually enjoy maths lesson~~ HAHAHAHA.
Actually after Maths can go home one lor, but Ms Lim wan us decorate classroom -.- , at least decorating was fun.


SOY coming

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Y 6:16 AM

lol, today..went to school..erm..cant remember the funny part

oh ya Maths!! Super funny We were taught a new formula. then those who failed the test were called up to do the question on the board.. So Errol was called up. then damn funny, cos he dunno how do, then keep erasing and redoing...Everyone was laughing!!! So when he finallydid the question correctly, teacher go write another question on the board make him do again! Keep making him do more questions!! HAHA then everyone was laughing behind. LOLS. Then miracously, I could remember the formula. YAY. Before watching Errol doing all the questions, had to keep refering to the textbook, but after watching him, I suddenly could remember and UNDERSTAND it LOLS!!! LOL, then teacher know i do work damn slow one mah, so she come over and ask how much i get for the test,then ask Natalie and Esmond(the guy in the same table as me and Natalie) also. Then she call Esmond to go up and do..And mispronounce his name again.

Oh ya, then Natalie is a genius, wanna outsmart our 2B in Ms Lim's class. Then some ppl were like "Eh..I wan go ur class!"

HAHAs, then Chinese. WTF!! Teacher wan us write 200 words in 10 minutes,...then somemore say wad "Chinese in the last lesson is a good thing as well.' WTF..

Then after school, met ZiQun outside staff room. Called Ms Huda ext..But couldnt call..so just wait outside, then Ms Tan ask ZiQun why she here, then we say we looking for Ms Huda.. So passed Ms Huda the Plan. So talk..then we can go... Wee~ tomo have to pass PeiZhen, WeiJing and Durrani the plan~
the ACLs really got chemistry ..

Sunday, January 24, 2010 Y 1:34 AM

haha... i keep realising how much of a no-lifer i am.....-.- -.- -.- -.- -.-....Always have nothing to say, always nothing to do, dun have much social life. Always contradicting myself..creating so much irony. Always so neutral-.-...... Its like i have no feelings at all...

i miss my days when i was so young and innocent...dunno anything at all.-.-

Saturday, January 23, 2010 Y 5:30 AM

Yesterday, the sec 1s came in :D 7 of them, one of them didnt come.

and a Bad News, I KENA TRANSFER PATROL!!! NONONON I LOVE KINGFISHER!!!! I dun wan transfer to Mynah!!! I LOVE KINGFISHER!!!!

okay, so right after sch, chionged to guides room. They were asking why we ran...
okay..so sit there slack, wait for ms huda. The Durrani ask us memorise guides law. I forgotten to sms the rest of the sec 2s about the law thing, SORRY!!! So me , natalie and ziqun already memorise at home, so natalie help the others, while me and ziqun got tested. we passed!!! Then Ms Huda came in , told us about the sec 1s..etc she couldnt be there that day cos of NIE graduation.
so ate lunch... Me and natalie were complaining and being sad about changing patrols..and later

and lols, after we changed into full-u, i saw the board, and apparently, geraldine did not get any sec 1 mentees while i got 2.-.- then we were saying that she is scary LOL! and found out i change patrol also :(. and to ZQ- not a matter of scared or not, is just that i love kingfisher!!! Later found that cos 1 sec 1 didnt come, the mentor and mentee thing changed, so i only got 1!

so, went to volleyball court, did the usual marchings...then stand in horseshoe, wait for sec 1s jia dao! So they came, we did our promise. then fall out. went up to outside the guides room. Sang welcome song, so monotone..and shake the bottles :D So we went to take our bottles and play games while sec 1s being briefed to by durrani and weijing. sec 2s, the mentors or Mentos were intro-ed first. My mentee is Radiah, 1D, and its COKE!. HAHA.

so intro more, then the publication head, JiaMei's turn!! HAHA. she gave out sweets!! Sry it was sticky btw...

ok then intro finish!! Sec 2s change into PT Kit cos we are playing water games while sec 3s play their games first.

then went down, fill up the plastic bags with water :D. Then started the game.. The game i planned was fail...the sec 1s wasnt enthu in throwing the bombs at all. the sec 3s who were in FULL U were more enthu...-.-.. so wasted all the water bombs that were filled up, had to fill up more...so during that time, we decided to change to all out war and other random stuff.

IT WAS FUN!!! And then , we went to use the bucket to pour over the sec 1s as some sort of 'initiation ceremony', i volunteered to be poured over my head!! Then stupid lor, OM come say we waste water..-.- WTF.

okay okay, later i went to use my own water bottle pour myself again. :D!! Then Wei Jing came down, she was shocked, she say didnt expect us play until so wet. Accompanied Radiah to guides room so she could change.

Then went down to volleyball courts to play captain's ball with scouts. Don't underestimate the sec 1 scouts. They have lots of teamwork. But gg is good too :) We lost though.. but it was a good game. :D Thnx the referee/Royce for letting the sec 2s play btw.

cant remember wad we did but think we went back to guides room. Durrani and wei jing distribtuted some snacks. :) Then sec 1s go home. and now,... so smart, after sec 1s go, tekan us liao. HAHA. Do marching -.-/

so march march march, then have birthday bash!!!! WeiJing's birthday~~ Water bomb time again!! Now the rule is, if wearing white, only can hit the leg...cos white mah,.-.- LOLS

then go home..so tired..

today, saw Ong Min at popular at tampines, then saw Wei Jing at tampines also..woahs

Thursday, January 21, 2010 Y 4:07 AM

Wee~~~ Sec 1s coming in tomo, cant wait!!!!
Gonna play Choice "target" with them!! HAHAS The idea came from KHR GOC LOLS.

yesterday art was win, when Mrs Jonoh was walking around looking at everyone draw, she stood behind Rachel to see her drawing. Then when Rachel noticed her, she screamed like she saw a ghost! LOLS I LAUGHED LIKE HELL MAN. Mrs Jonoh reaction was also damn funny!!!!

Aand yesterday, i came to school after 7.25, had to sit at quadranglem then the man come and say " i wan u guys to dissapear in 10 seconds" Everybody stood up, then Mr Ari said, " To the Hall! then all sec1, 2, 3, 4,5 al chiong up..You can actually hear the stomping. Super epic!

cant wait for tomo~

Friday, January 15, 2010 Y 7:27 AM


Hm..today in school..nothing interesting..only thing was that i had sore throat and couldnt talk...-.- and couldnt eat Curry Rice TT.

After school, ate lunch, then changed into full u. :) I changed too early. then wait 2.20pm to come.. then go to volleyball court.. Did foot drills.... then in the middle of the Horse shoe formation, Wei Jing told us, sec 2 guides that we had to chiong up, take the first aid kit from the guides room and find the NDCC ppl. We learning first aid~ so we did that...running with sore throat..-.-..

the NDCC was in the DnT room. and when we wanted to go in, the scouts go ask us lend them our key so they can borrow our ball. -.-... later, we went into the room...kinda awkward, but at least we fit in in blue. SO we learnt about the first aid kit...how to bandage various kinds of bandages(triangular one). Kinda fun..cept some stuff , which i was er....neutral...

HAHA< Girl Guides First Aid Kit FAIL. All the thing are either expired, rusty or yellow. So we were left with an empty box. HAHAS. So the NCDCC ppl helped us replenish. lols.

So later changed into PT kit and went to FUP. Did abit of marching before break. Ms Huda talked to us, sec 2s bout the sec 1 orientation. LOLS, i feel so proud being a sec 2. :D.
then played husband and wife. before dismissal.

today was kinda fun.

And thank you Natalie, Zi Qun, Aqila and Geraldine today. :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Y 4:37 AM

I am idiotically self contradicting myself over and over again. -.- I was confused from the start and all i did was to confuse myself again....

I hate my stupid ability to self contradict myself...-.-
I am freaking confused and blur now...................-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

Anyway...today was EPIC!

After recess, we were all waiting in the classroom for the next teacher to come, and Mr Ari, our principal suddenly walked in

"Hi, 2b!"

Then talk talk talk

Mr Ari- "so, what's your next lesson?'
Class-History, Art, History Art......Art art..art ART!!!!!!*All chiong to pack up things and chiong to art room.

We forgot next lesson was art and that it was in the art room..until the PRINCIPAL came to tell us. LOLS

Sunday, January 10, 2010 Y 8:07 AM

Back from malaysia...

Shall post about CCA fair first

After school, ate lunch, then changed into full u. went to guides room. Wee~ Time to polish the badges. haha, Set up the booth an fall in at the FUP

WTH..stand in the FUP for so long.. Then go into the quadrangle to do positioning. LOL, then the guy went to shout at everyone to fall in to the FUP, all the UGs all chiong back, looks like all the UG running for their lives. haha
then stand in FUP for long time again..and some stupid idiot were standing on the second floor saying things like "Eh Girl Guides, Girls cannot tahan heat lah." WTH Lah, i think they went to disturb every UG....-.-

Okay so..they were telling us not to run if it started to rain until they tell us to run, i was curious on how they want us to run lol. Okay, so finally the parade start after standing at thr FUP for sooo long.

I think i made one mistake.-.- nvm....

so finally the parade ended. started to look for sec 1s.. i was over-enthu....-.- WHERE DID ALL THE SEC 1s HIDE!!!!!!!???????? okay..
lols, i was walking down the stairs with Melissa and Ong Min and saw the guides forming a circle with the scouts. then Melissa And Ong Min ran away, while i walk to the circle. LOLS, we sand Flea Fly Mosquito with the scouts , LOLS, then some NPCC people try to join in, and some scouts went to throw water bomb at them. LOLS

Then, NPCC later go make their own circle and sing the exact same song......-.-
and later started to drizzle, and we girl guides are very efficient, the first UG to pack up. LOLS.
had a briefing at guides room then dismissed,~

Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Y 4:46 AM


Okay, today....Went to hall first...First time wear tie in the morning after so long.... Then went to ISH for photo taking...-.- the school wants us to waste $3 every year just to take some really ugly photos.

then.. had SCIENCE! Our new teacher is funny, NPCC de teacher. LOLS, he was reading out the names from class list and when he reached Azaria, he asked "Boy or girl?" LOLS!!!!! Then after reading all the names, he said "So many girls, lucky for me, and Azaria, u are one of them." LOLOLOLOLOL. HAHAHAHAHAS

Then Chinese....slept through it, was seriously hoping that we would change teacher..-.-

ok, Lit was epic win, the 2B class poem is decided!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wee~~~

We are 2b
we have forty
who's hungry
oh, wait it's Adli
They guys are horny
the girls are funny
Our class has no clock
but we have taylor pork

ROFLS!!! At first, Ms Teoh changed 'horny' to 'barmy' but we persuaded her to change back to horny! HAHAS, and the taylor pork thing, only 2Bians will understand. LOL

Then she say wan show us a Horny video, in the end, the video was about a man playing horns , as in music ....wth...

ASM, i guess i will be going to JC, since Mr Ari says, U need Science and humans to go JC and A Maths to go Poly. lols.

Then Ms Abraham spot check, win, she say that she very happy that some ppl (like me:)) de skirt are over the knee and we may fold or alter it to be shorter, but still at the knee. LOLS.

Then chiong to eat lunch and change into half u. Slacked abit at Guides room since i was abit early, then fall in, rush to the ISH outside there, do sizing...etc. Then prepare for rehearsal...

I pretty much had mistakes at all three rehearsals..-.-
But i improved!At least the third time, all the mistake were due to the stupid loudspeaker screeching when the guy was saying the command, so cannot hear properly.

Then went back to the ISH outside... 20 pumping... then after we got up , the Scouts also drop 20..right in front of us.... Went back to guides room, packed up..went home.. Tomo have GG, more training...

Leg pain~~

Monday, January 4, 2010 Y 4:13 AM

Wow, first day of school~ DIDNT GET TO SEE THE SEC 1s TT

Ok, Ms Lim is still our form teacher, AND OMG, SONG LAO SHI IS OUR CO-FT!!
I am prepared to fail Chinese again this year.
Ms Pradeepa is our new History teacher, she seems interesting. but she likes to show us gore, apparently.

And i am not in 2B class for Maths... Well, nvm.. :D

I am still not used to people calling us sec 2 sia... and... I CANT GET USED TO THE FREAKING 2ND FLOOR!!! I can actually feel the difference, its so much more comfortable on the 3rd floor.....but its taken over by the 2010 sec 1 batch now....TT

And canteen, there's a new stall, Japanese food :D Some guys actually went there and spoke some japanese, the shop keep replied in PROPER japanese and they kena self-pwned. LOLS! I had Curry Rice, was quite okay.

Sunday, January 3, 2010 Y 10:20 AM

He...School is tomorrow, i mean today~ in a few more hours.. And i am still awake...

Saturday, January 2, 2010 Y 1:13 AM

owo, school's coming.. Somewhat, cant wait for it, wanna see all my classmates again~ and how short the sec 1s are! heehee..


Year of 2010 resolution~
Get a life. Since i am an awesome no-lifer with only school, CCA and anime/manga.

i dunno whether i can do it or not sia....I will try... maybe...

Friday, January 1, 2010 Y 1:42 AM

Happy New Year~ Gosh School's reopening TT

But cant wait to see the new sec 1s!!!!

Had fun yesterday LOLS.

First had GG.. Only had me, Jiamei, Aqila and Jia yao there only. But the Scouts/Guides Banner was freaking epic!!! After that, had lunch at canteen with Jiamei and Aqila. Then went to Library, Tampines 1 for some "plans". hurhur~

And then, much later~~ Around 7 something, Went to City Hall MRT to meet Mozilla they all.
Everybody wore jacket, including me.... Except for PB. -.-.. Okay, so went to Marina Barrage.

Played some card games Old Maid~~~ Where i pwned everyone :D. Everybody lost at least once but i didnt lose at all :) Then AhNeng and Pb taught me how to play...erm..I forgot the name le... Then Vinny came and they continued to teach me. Later gave up teaching le, just watch them play. Then play Old Maid again, me and Vinny were helping each other :D. Later, they went back to playing...i forgot the name again.

Went outside to walk around/talk with PB and Kevin , went back to campsite at arond 11.30. Slack there until 11.50, went to the bridge to watch the fireworks. Didnt have full view of fireworks though, but still fun.

Walked around abit, took some photos. Then all went to MRT, dismissed....

Bye 2009~


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That girl.

Loh Xin Kai.
Also known as Reine
An awesome no-lifer with not much social life. I currently Belong to White Sands Primary School 1B'03, 2E'04, 3D'05, 4G'06, 5F'07, 6F'08 Bedok South Secondary School. 1B'09, 2B'10. I am a Brownie,Archer, Girl Guide.


BDS Girl Guides
BDS GG Design Team
R7 Famiglia
Anime and manga
All those random dances
My Computer


Pass all exams with flying colours
Nightwalk again!
Trip to Japan, preferably during Sakura Season, Comiket or WCS.
Trip to Italia
Visit as many historical sites in the world as i can
Anime Festival Asia 09
EOY 09
SOYA 2010
Get to MJC, then a LOCAL uni
Enjoy Sec School life
BDS GG to recruit more people

More than words.


Sakura Addiction~~~


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